

Welcome! We’re happy you’re here. We invite you to look around and see what makes Saint Clement School such a remarkable place. And when you’re ready, come walk through our doors and feel the energy, enthusiasm, and tradition that has filled our halls since 1905. While much has changed since then, one thing remains the same: students, parents, and educators love being a part of the Saint Clement community. We embrace families of all faiths, backgrounds, and compositions. And should you and your family decide to join us, we know Saint Clement will find a special place in your heart too.

Tour dates.

Schedule a tour!

October 1, 2024

Saint Clement School
8:45am – 10:15am

November 19, 2024

Saint Clement School
8:45am – 10:15am

January 7, 2025

Saint Clement School
8:45am – 10:15am

April 8, 2025

Saint Clement School
8:45am – 10:15am

Parent Testimonial

The Burton Family

“We LOVE St. Clement!! As an alumnus of St. Clement, there was only one option for us for our daughter's education. The faculty provides such a warm environment and it's such an incredible feeling to know that your child is not only receiving a top-notch education, but it is also being very well cared for. St. Clement provides an ideal environment for children to grow and thrive as well as facilitating an incredible community for parents and families to be a part of.”

Tuition Details

  • K-8

    Engaged Parishioner $11,804

    Non Parishioner $16,283

    Resource Fees $850

    SCPA Dues $175


    Engaged Parishioner $10,624

    Non-Parishioner $16,283

    Resource Fees $850

    SCPA Dues $175


    Engaged Parishioner $11,804

    Non Parishioner $16,283

    Resource Fees $850

    SCPA Dues $125


    Engaged Parishioner $17,494

    Non Parishioner $21,635

    Resource Fees $850

    SCPA Dues $175


    Engaged Parishioner $7,106

    Non-Parishioner $9,869

    Resource Fees $255

    SCPA Dues $125


    Engaged Parishioner $11,804

    Non Parishioner $16,283

    Resource Fees $510

    SCPA Dues $125


    Engaged Parishioner $11,804

    Non Parishioner $16,283

    Resource Fees $425

    SCPA Dues $125


    Engaged Parishioner $17,494

    Non Parishioner $21,635

    Resource Fees $850

    SCPA Dues $175

Additional Tuition Details

Sibling Discount
The Current Sibling discount is 10%. The sibling discount does not apply to PreK tuition or the curriculum fee.

Resource Fee
In addition to the tuition, there is a Resource Fee - the current annual rate is $850 per student.

Tuition Payments
Tuition and curriculum fee is paid through the FACTS online system. All tuition payments begin on May 1. Families may choose between 1, 4, 8 or 10 payments.

Qualifying for the Engaged Parishioner Tuition Rate
In accordance with its mission, Saint Clement Church seeks to offer a Catholic school education to its parishioners. To this end, the Church demonstrates its commitment to a covenant relationship with our school families by offering an Engaged Parishioner Tuition Rate for each child who is a member of a registered, active parish family and lives the parish stewardship spirituality: Pray. Serve. Give.

After careful consideration, Saint Clement has determined that a family qualifies for the Engaged Parishioner Tuition Rate by meeting the following criteria:

Tuition Assistance Program

Saint Clement's Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) is our school's main source of financial aid and is available to all eligible students.

Funded by the generous support of the parish and school community, TAP is a reflection of how our parish truly values the importance of providing access to a Catholic education. It is a testament to that value that a lack of funds has never prevented a Saint Clement student from continuing his/her education at our school.

For TAP Policies please click here.

Applications for tuition assistance can be found online through FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment.

Admissions Process

Qualifications for Admission

An Application for Admission and a $100 non-refundable application fee must be submitted to the school by January 15th for each student applying for admission. The following qualifications will be considered in determining the priority for admission of new students:

  1. Families with a child currently enrolled at Saint Clement School.

  2. Families who have been active, engaged, registered and contributing parishioners of Saint Clement Church.

  3. Families who are registered and engaged parishioners of the neighboring Catholic churches, and families relocating to Chicago who have been registered and engaged parishioners of their current parish.

Transfer Students (K-8)

For students entering Kindergarten through 8th grade who are transferring from another school, the following additional steps in the review process will apply:

  1. Saint Clement School will review each application and necessary attachments to determine a prospective student's potential academic fit.

  2. If it is deemed that there is an academic fit, the student will be asked to shadow at the school and interview with the Dean of Students. The purpose of this request is to determine a social-emotional fit.

  3. If it is deemed that there is a social-emotional fit, the parents of the prospective student will then interview with the Dean of Students.

  4. Following these steps, an admissions decision will be made.

Acceptance Expectations

Within a week of receipt of a conditional acceptance letter, parents are required to submit a non-refundable $1,000 New Student Fee to hold a child’s position. At this time, the following documents shall also be submitted. If the parent is not able to submit the required documents for any reason, this information must be communicated within this two-week period so that a final admissions decision can be made.

1.Copy of the child’s birth certificate
2.Copy of the child’s baptismal certificate (if applicable)
3.Copy of the child’s health/immunization records

Age Requirements

Pre-Kindergarten 3: The child must be 3 years of age by September 1st of the year he/she will begin school. The child must be potty-trained by the first day of school.

Pre-Kindergarten 4: The child must be 4 years of age by September 1st of the year he/she will begin school.

Kindergarten: The child must be 5 years of age by September 1st of the year he/she will begin school.

 First Grade: The child must be 6 years of age by September 1st of the year he/she will begin school.

Additional Admissions Considerations

Admission to Saint Clement School is dependent on the respective class size and a thorough review of each prospective student's current academic files.

All new and transfer students to Saint Clement School will be admitted on academic and disciplinary probation for their first year of attendance. Future enrollment and attendance is subject to administrative approval. 

Students applying to grade levels with a waitlist will be placed on the waitlist according to their appropriate grade level and application date submission as well as in accordance with other admissions priorities described above.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Saint Clement is operated under the auspices of the Catholic Bishops of Chicago, a corporation sole, in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Saint Clement School admits students of any race, color, gender, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students in this school. Saint Clement does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, or national and ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, loan programs, extracurricular activities or other school-administered programs.


When are applications due?

An application for admission and a $100 non-refundable application fee must be submitted to the school by January 15th for each student applying for admission.

What qualifications are considered for admission?

Priority will be given to those families who have a child currently enrolled in the school and active, engaged, registered, and contributing parishioners of Saint Clement or a neighboring Catholic church.

Where can I find out more about the admission process?

Check out our Admissions Brochure or contact our Admissions team at

Are there additional steps for a Transfer Student?

Yes! Saint Clement school will review each application and necessary attachments to determine a student’s potential academic fit and if so, the student will be asked to shadow at the school and potentially meet with the Admissions Team. If there is a social-emotional fit, the parents of the students will interview with the Admissions Team and a decision will be made following that.

Are there expectations after acceptance?

Within a week of receipt of a conditional acceptance letter, parents are required to submit a non-refundable $1,000 New Student Fee to hold a child’s position. We will also need a copy of the child’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate (if applicable), and health/immunization records.

Your Final Step: Apply For 2025-2026 School Year