Faculty & Staff
Faculty & Staff
Saint Clement School goes beyond academic excellence, to educate the whole child. We are committed to meeting the unique intellectual and social-emotional needs of each of our students in accord with our five anchors: belong, learn, pray, serve, and give. Led by Principal Kristen Fink, more than 50 faculty, staff, and administrative professionals work together to provide a foundation of academic excellence, spiritual growth, and social responsibility for our students. We uphold this mission in a communal culture of kindness, courage, respect, and inclusion.
Teacher Testimonial
My name is Jessica Lilovich and I am lucky to be a Pre-K 3 teacher at SCS! Saint Clement's community is unmatched, and is what I cherish most about this school. Parents, students, and staff have worked to create a community that is inviting and engaging! This sense of unity has fostered an environment where everyone feels valued and supported, making Saint Clement School a truly exceptional place for both teaching and learning.
Leadership Team
Kristen Fink
kfink@stclementschool.org -
Elizabeth Pesavento
Assistant Principal
epesavento@stclementschool.org -
Amy Pearson
Assistant Principal
apearson@stclementschool.org -
St. Clement School Board
Teacher Directory
The following addresses are solely intended for use by the Saint Clement community. Please do not send unsolicited commercial material to these addresses. Advertising materials from legitimate organizations should be addressed to info@stclementschool.org. Thank you for honoring this request.
Professor Abraham Aguilar
Spanish K-5
aaguilar@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Whitney Anderson
Learning Specialist (K-5)
wanderson@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Anna Bax
Ms. Maddy Berta
4th Grade (4B)
mberta@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Bridget Bohnenkamp
Reading Specialist (K-5)
bbohnenkamp@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Clare Borah
Mrs. Jessy Casey
3rd Grade (3A)
jcasey@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Mary Kate Conness
2nd Grade (2B)
mconness@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Maureen Connolly
Director of Enrichment
mconnolly@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Deshonbra (Shonbra) Crenshaw
Social Worker
dcrenshaw@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Miranda DeBow
Pre-Kindergarten 4 (PK4B)
mdebow@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Kelly Dorger
1st Grade (1A)
kdorger@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Clare Doyle
Kindergarten (KB)
cdoyle@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Phyllis Fahrer
Office/School Support
pfahrer@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Jen Fairclough
1st Grade (1B)
jfairclough@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Meredith Fanning
Learning Specialist (5-6)
mfanning@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Kristen Fink
kfink@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Makenna Frerk
Pre-Kindergarten 3 (PK3B)
mfrerk@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Lisa Friedlander
Director of Catholic Identity and Compliance
lfriedlander@stclementschool.org -
Mr. Nick Gascich
Technology Coordinator
ngascich@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Nancy Giannoni
ngiannoni@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Vanessa Gomez
7A Adv./Middle School Math
vgomez@stclementschool.org -
Mr. Anthony Hoolehan
Athletic Director
ahoolehan@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Diana Johnson
Middle School Spanish
djohnson@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Courtney Joseph
Kindergarten (KA)
cjoseph@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Dolla Kanaan
Middle School Math
dkanaan@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Alex Lambros
5th Grade (5A)
alambros@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Emily LaVigne
1st Grade (1A)
elavigne@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Julia Lukaszeski
Dean of Students
jlukaszeski@stclementschool.org -
Mr. Stephen Luther
Learning Specialist (7-8)
sluther@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Katie Manganaro
2nd Grade (2A)
kmanganaro@stclementschool.org -
Mr. Mario Masnica
maintenance@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Annie Matchinga
Counselor & Student Support
amatchinga@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Cathleen Meade
3rd Grade (3B)
cmeade@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Carolyn Mulaney
Pre-Kindergarten 4 (PK4C)
cmulaney@stclementschool.org -
Mr. Michael O'Callahan
6B Adv./Middle School ELA & Lit.
mocallahan@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Amy Pearson
Assistant Principal
apearson@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Kate Perry
4th Grade (4A)
kperry@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Elizabeth Pesavento
Assistant Principal/Director of Academic Services
epesavento@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Kayle Plonka
Pre-Kindergarten 3 (PK3A)
kplonka@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Joan Pinz
Physical Education
jpinz@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Claire Quinn
1st Grade (1B)
cquinn@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Lindsey Riker
5th Grade (5B)
lriker@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Sarah Ruark
Pre-Kindergarten 4 (PK4B)
sruark@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Stephanie Rubinkowski
7B Adv./Middle School Religion
srubinkowski@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Jennifer Salerno
Ms. Julianna (Juli) Schaefer
Pre-Kindergarten 4 (PK4C)
jschaefer@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Logan Spellacy
Pre-Kindergarten 4 (PK4A)
lspellacy@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Allison Spicer
Digital Literacy and Library
aspicer@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Kathy Spreitzer
Pre-Kindergarten 3 (PK3A)
kspreitzer@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Amanda Stahlschmidt
Kindergarten (KB)
astahlschmidt@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Chloe Strandberg
Pre-Kindergarten 4 (PK4A)
cstrandberg@stclementschool.org -
Mr. Steve Surmin
Director of Lunch, Recess, and After School
ssurmin@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Maddie Taylor
6A Adv./Middle School ELA & Lit.
mtaylor@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Donna Terrasi
8A Adv./Middle School Science
dterrasi@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Maggie Thaxton
Collaborative Team Teacher (1-2)
mthaxton@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Catherine Trant
Ms. Maureen Troy
Pre-Kindergarten 3 (PK3B)
mtroy@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Helena Tylka
Finance Manager
htylka@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Noreen Valle
Director of Admissions/Marketing
nvalle@stclementschool.org -
Ms. Camille White
Kindergarten (KA)
cwhite@stclementschool.org -
Mrs. Anne Zamora
Enrichment Specialist