Anchor Hours
Thank you for giving your time to the Saint Clement community! Each school family has agreed to complete 20 Anchor Hours each school year. Hours earned during the summer months count towards the upcoming school year. Anchor Hours are service or faith formation hours completed by mom and dad. Sorry, service and faith formation hours completed by students or other adults, like grandparents or nannies, do not count towards the 20 Anchor Hours. See below for examples of service and faith formation you can try and to log your Anchor Hours. Have questions? Reach out to Lisa Friedlander at
Within the Classroom/Specific to your child's grade
Room Parent
Other Miscellaneous Classroom Opportunities
General School Activities
SCPA Committees
Sack Lunches (weekly opportunities, sign up as often as you are able)
Hospitality during Friday morning Sack Lunch distribution (8:00AM each week)
Art Room Help
Sports Coaches
Picture Day
Annual Junior High Musical
During Weekend Masses
Eucharistic Minister
Hospitality Minister (Greeter/Usher)
Altar Server
General Parish Activities
Welcome/Hospitality Committee
RCIA or Alpha Leader
Service Day
Jesse Tree
Anchor Ball