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School Nurse/Medical Information
Uniform Details
Who's Who
Absences, Late Arrival and Early Dismissal
Absences should be called in on the attendance line before 8:05 AM. The school phone number is 773.348.8212, extension 400. You can also email at We ask that parents also email the teacher to inform them of the student’s absence. Please leave the name of your child, grade, and reason for absence.
Coming to School Late
Students arriving after 8:05 AM should enter through the north door and go directly to Ms. Fahrer to receive an admit slip. Ms. Fahrer is located in the support room on the mezzanine between the first and second floor on the north side of the school. Parents are not to escort their children to their classroom. If a student has a morning appointment and is coming to school late, you must notify It is also appreciated if the teacher is notified of this by email prior to the appointment.
Early Dismissal before 3:00 PM
Parents should notify and the teacher by email of a planned early dismissal. Parents should go to the office to complete an early dismissal form, or complete the online "Late drop-off/Early pickup form." The office will locate the child and call them for early dismissal.
Returning to School
If you need to pull your student out for an appointment and return before the end of the day, this procedure is the same as early dismissal. When the student returns, they should go directly to the office to obtain an admit slip. If your child's appointment is at the end of the day, we would appreciate it if you would pick-up by 2:30pm to avoid dismissal traffic.