Arrival and Dismissal
Parents driving students should pull up in front of school and a staff member will open the door and help your child out. Parents should remain in their cars to help keep drop-off traffic flowing.
Parents walking children to school can say good-bye at the school door and the child will walk in on their own.
Parents who drive, but want to park and walk their children to the door, should park in the church lot or a legal parking spot on the street. Parents may not park on the west side of Orchard from Deming to Wrightwood. This is the drop off zone. Doors of the school open at 7:45 AM and children are allowed to come into the building.
7:50 AM is the first bell which allows students to proceed to their classroom
8:05 AM is the second bell. Students entering the school after this bell will be marked tardy.
8:05 AM Prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, and announcements over the PA system
NOTE: Faculty and Staff are stationed all throughout the school to monitor the flow of students to their classrooms.
In the Infosnap Registration Packet, parents were asked how they would like their child to be dismissed each day. The options were Bus, Carpool, Supervised Walker, Unsupervised Walker, and After-Care/Enrichment Classes. The teachers will be given a list based on your selection from the Infosnap Registration Packet.
NOTE: If First Day Dismissal plan (or any day during the year) will be different than what you had indicated in your Infosnap Registration Packet, please make sure you send an email to your child's teacher(s) and informing them of this change in your dismissal plan.
Below are the directions based on the indicated dismissal selection:
Each family will receive a name sign. These signs will be distributed to families on our Meet the Teacher & Supply Drop-Off Day, August 23rd, 3:00-6:00 PM (grades PK-5). Middle School students will receive their sign on the first day of school.
The students remain in their classroom until their name appears on the Smartboard screen. At that point they proceed outside to their car. The east side pick-up is for grades 5-8. The west side is for PK-4. For families with multiple children, gather with the youngest sibling.
Supervised Walker
Supervised Walker students gather at the north door where faculty will supervise the connection to the adult picking them up.
Unsupervised Walker
Unsupervised Walker students are allowed to leave the building on their own. All Middle School students will be considered Unsupervised walkers. Older siblings that fall in this category can also pick up their younger siblings.