Saint Clement School believes that a child's mind seeks order and a consistent learning environment. Our dress code supports this need. Our uniform policy exists to diminish peer pressure, decrease distractions and promotes pride and unity within our community. At Saint Clement School, we feel that personal appearance is an expression of a person's self-respect. If students look good and are held to high expectations they will show respect to their fellow classmates and teachers.
Saint Clement School is committed to uniforms beginning in Preschool. Students are expected to be at school in proper uniform during school hours. There are "Out of Uniform" dates and Anchor Days when special dress is allowed. The exclusive uniform vendors to Saint Clement School are Dennis Uniforms and Lands' End School Uniforms.
Why not support Saint Clement while buying uniforms by purchasing scrip? Find out more by heading to our Scrip Page.
A.All plaid jumpers and skirts purchased prior to 2013 are permanently grandfathered in at Saint Clement School and compliant with the policy.
B.Uniform condition must be appropriate for school as well as fit appropriately. Parents bear the risk of replacing ill-fitting uniforms. Faded, frayed, ripped, stained or soiled uniforms are not allowed. The decision of the administration as to the appropriate conditions of a student’s uniform is final.
C.All shirts and blouses are to be worn tucked-in at all times. The only exception is for recess and during gym class.
D. Skirts, skorts and shorts must be no more than 3 inches above the knee.
E. Only plain white t-shirts may be worn under uniforms or gym shirts.
F.The wearing of jewelry is not allowed. The only exceptions to this are religious medals, wristwatches, and small pierced post earrings. *No FitBits, exercise bands or smart watches can be worn.
G. Only clear nail polish allowed.
H.No make-up is allowed.
I.No hats are to be worn in the building.
J.Hair must be neat, clean, well groomed and not draw undue attention. Hair length for boys must be above the collar and ears and bangs must be above the eyebrows. Only natural hair color is allowed, no dye or highlights permitted. No distracting hair styles may be worn. This includes spiking hair and no designs cut in hair.
K. Bows/headbands worn in hair must be the the uniform black watch plaid which are sold by Dennis Uniform. No spirit wear headbands during school days
Length- above collar and ears, bangs above eyebrows
Color- Natural color, no dye or highlights
*No distracting hair styles- as defined by teacher and administration
*No spiking hair, no designs cut in hair
Non gym days- Blue polo shirt either long or short sleeve with school logo
Gym days- Blue t-shirt long or short sleeves with school logo
Must be blue logo bought by Lands End or Dennis uniform and have school logo
*Must be worn OVER blue polo shirt or gym t-shirt that has school logo on it
Can be worn during school day
*NOTE: Non uniform sweaters, fleeces and jackets CANNOT be worn during the school day.
Must be Khaki
PK thru second grade can wear elastic waist
Grades 3-8 must wear belt with pants and shorts (belt colors must be a solid color of blue, navy or brown)
Gym days- grey sweatpants or shorts (April 1st-October 31st) with school logo
NOTE: Shirts should be worn tucked into pants with the exception of the gym uniform
Socks for all boys
Approved colors are black, navy, white
*Should be plain with no design or stripe visible
*Should be ankle length or higher
Socks must always be worn with shoes
Shoes for all boys
*Dress shoes should be a solid black, navy or brown
*Gym shoes should be white, black, navy or grey. If shoes have an accent color it also must be white, black, navy or grey.
*Laces for both type of shoes should match color of shoe
Shoes must be closed-toe
Color- Natural color, no dye or highlights
No distracting hair styles- as defined by teacher and administration
*Bows/headbands worn in hair must be the the uniform black watch plaid which are sold by Dennis Uniform
*No spirit wear head bands during school days
Uniform PK
Navy Twill Smock Jumper with school logo
White Peter Pan collared blouse or white turtlenecks must be worn under uniform jumper (long or short sleeve)
Khaki skort/skirt
Uniform K-4
Blackwatch plaid v-neck jumper or shift jumper
Khaki skort/skirt
Khaki pant
Khaki shorts (April 1st- October 31st)
Uniform 5-8
Blackwatch plaid skirt
Khaki skort/skirt
Khaki pants
Khaki shorts (April 1st- October 31st)
PK-4 White Peter Pan collared blouse, polo or white turtlenecks must be worn under uniform jumper
*PK-8 Blue polo shirt either long or short sleeve with school logo should be worn with Khakis, skorts, skirts, shorts, and for grades 5-8 the Blackwatch plaid skirt.
Must be blue logo bought by Lands End or Dennis uniform and have school logo
*Must be worn OVER blue polo shirt or gym t-shirt that has school logo on it
Can be worn during school day
*NOTE: Non uniform sweaters, fleeces and jackets CANNOT be worn during the school day.
Must be Khaki
PK thru second grade can wear elastic waist
Grades 3-8 must wear belt with pants and shorts (belt colors must be a solid color of blue, navy or brown)
Gym days- grey sweatpants or shorts (April 1st-October 31st) with school logo
NOTE: Shirts should be worn tucked into pants with the exception of the gym uniform
Approved colors are black, navy, white
*Should be plain with no design or stripe visible
Should be ankle length or higher
Tights and leggings should be solid color of black, navy or white and be ankle length
Socks (tights) must always be worn with shoes
*Dress shoes should be a solid black, navy or brown
*Gym shoes should be white, black, navy or grey. If shoes have an accent color it also must be white, black, navy or grey.
*Laces for both type of shoes should match color of shoe
Shoes cannot have a heel and must be closed toe
Gym Uniform
Grey sweatpants with logo
Grey gym shorts with logo (April 1-October 1)
Blue t-shirt long or short sleeves with school logo